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The Bobsled Blog

eCommerce Strategies & Industry Insights

The Bobsled Team

    04 Nov 2021

    Most Useful Tools and Software for Amazon Sellers

    The right marketing software can set any brand up for success. Choosin...

    28 Oct 2021

    One Month Until Turkey 5 - Here’s What You Should Do Now

    The five-day span between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday is always met ...

    21 Oct 2021

    Amazon Pet Supplies - 5 Trends

    Our pets may be small, but the impact they are making on the growing e...

    07 Oct 2021

    Turkey 5 Prep Guide

    With the holiday season rapidly approaching, it can only mean one thin...

    28 Sep 2021

    How to Get Started with Video on Amazon - A Guide for Sellers

    High-quality images and targeted product descriptions can make an impa...

    22 Sep 2021

    Amazon Vs. DTC Vs. Retail Stores: Tipping the Balance in Beauty

    The beauty industry is one of the fastest-growing - and fastest-changi...

    21 Sep 2021

    7 Outdated Amazon Strategies (And What Brands Should Be Doing Instead)

    Too many brands are utilizing irrelevant Amazon strategies in every ph...

    16 Sep 2021

    Amazon Keyword Bidding Strategy – 7 Tips & Tricks

    An effective bidding strategy is essential for brands looking to domin...

    14 Sep 2021

    8 Amazon Q4 Predictions For Late 2021

    Q4 is without question the most hectic quarter, and brands are on tent...

    09 Sep 2021

    Amazon Vendor Chargeback Fees – Best Practices (Plus A Comprehensive Dispute Guide)

    Bobsled is an Inc. 5000 Amazon agency and we’ve had the privilege of w...

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